Conferência Final Projecto SALSA

O projecto da Universidade de Évora, SALSA – Small Farms, Small Food Businesses and Sustainable Food Security, é um projecto de investigação financiado pela UE no âmbito do programa Horizonte 2020, que decorreu de Abril de 2016 a Julho de 2020, com o objectivo de proporcionar uma melhor compreensão do papel das pequenas explorações agrícolas e das pequenas empresas alimentares na resposta ao desafio da segurança alimentar e nutricional sustentável.

O SALSA integrou regiões de 19 países da Europa e África, utilizando as mais recentes tecnologias de satélite, abordagens transdisciplinares, cartografia de sistemas alimentares e análise prospectiva participativa.

Part A – 10:00 – 11:00 (CET)
Overview and highlights of main results from the SALSA project

The first part of the Conference aims to summarise and illustrate SALSA’s main results including:

new concepts and theory developed by the project with respect to small farms and food businesses;
the validated SALSA methodology, used for identification of small farms crop types, crop area and production estimates, as well as regular monitoring of small farms’ production;
the novel typology of small farms identified and their importance within food systems;
Food systems’ maps which unveil the role of small farms and their market linkages within the food systems.

Part B – 11:30 – 13:00 (CET)
Enabling governance and policy recommendations for small farms and small food business

SALSA has aimed to contribute to strengthen the role of small farms and small food business in regional food systems.

This second part of the Conference highlights two of the main SALSA’s contributions in this regard:

the identification and characterisation of enabling governance frameworks for small farms and small food business;
tailored and fit-for-purpose multilevel policy recommendations.
These are particularly crucial in the midst of relevant processes of policy reform in the European Union (CAP and its National Strategic Plans, ‘Farm to Fork’ and ‘Biodiversity’ new strategies, EU-Africa Strategy), as well as in the frame of the current COVID-19 crisis and its impacts on the food system.
The two sessions will welcome the active participation and questions from the audience.

The webinar has limited number of participants, thus we invite your early registration here:

The Programme of the Conference and the bios of the speakers are available at the below link:

For those who cannot join via Zoom it will be possible to follow the event via YouTube Live Stream:
Em 25.06.2020
10:00 | Plataformas digitais