Workshop Landscape and Architecture. The medina od Safi: Rehabilitation of river Oued Chebba stream and its urban area

The city of Safi was under Portuguese presence from 1488 to 1541 and several historical buildings from this period still characterize the city structure today. The Workshop Rehabilitation of river Oued Chebba Stream in urban Safi will be developed within current work with the Department of Architecture and CIDEHUS from University of Évora, with the Inspection of Monuments and Sites fo safi (IMSS), University of cadi Ayyad of marrakech (UCAM), the Regional Delegation of Cultural Heritage of Marrakesh (DPCM) and with the University of california at berkeley (UCB), USA. It aims to respond to the urgent need of rethinking the historic centre of safi to value its underestimated cultural heritage. The history fo safi is closely associated with water with its localization on coastal access with the presence of the river Oued Chebba. This landscape has suffered several transformations and has become a resudal area lossing its character as a structural element of the territory. The Workshop will propose new architectural and landscapaes solutions for this rehabilitation.

De 06.01.2015 a 11.12.2014