“The Mediterranean and the Iberian South in the medieval age: Culture, Identity and Heritage (V - XV centuries)”

The international congress “The Mediterranean and the Iberian South in the medieval age: Culture, Identity and Heritage (V - XV centuries)” will take place in the city of Évora, on 22 and 23 May 2014, marking the 1100 years since the plunder of the city by King Ordonho II, which occurred in the year 913.

The meeting will primarily aim to bring together young researchers and experts from Portugal, but also from other countries, from fields as diverse as Archaeology, History, Art History, Literature, Anthropology, among others, which are devoted to the study of issues related to the Iberian South in medieval times. The main purpose is, therefore, always from a multidisciplinary perspective, to analyze the relations of proximity and affinities that existed between the southern regions of the Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean area, in the medieval context, but also any other issues related to specific aspects of art, economic, political and social history, or Culture or Mentalities in the Iberian South, provided that they fall within the chronological scope of the congress. 

Is important to emphasize that, in the context of this academic congress, the Iberian South is understood as an extended space, without definite geographical boundaries, culturally unified by a common Mediterranean matrix, but with the specificities of a territory where, during the medieval period (that is, during the period between the fifth century and the late fifteenth century), Christians, Muslims and Jews coexisted side by side, mutually influencing each other. 

The organization of this academic congress, which results from the cooperation between various institutions based in southern Portugal, will be undertaken by the Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Cultura e Sociedades da Universidade de Évora (CIDEHUS/UÉ) [the Interdisciplinary Centre for History, Cultures and Societies of the University of Évora], the Centro de História da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (CH/FLUL) [Centre for History of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon], the Campo Arqueológico de Mértola (CAM) [Mértola’s Archeological Campus], the Centro de Estudos de Património e História do Algarve (CEPHA/UAlg) [Centre for the Study of the History and Heritage of the Algarve of the University of Algarve] and the Centro de História da Arte e Investigação artística da Universidade de Évora (CHAIA/UÉ) [Centre for Art History and Art Research of the University of Évora].

De 22.05.2014 a 23.05.2014
Colégio do Espírito Santo, Sala 131