1 Bolsa para Mestre/Scholarship for Master - Mostmeg Project

Uma Bolsa Mestre no âmbito do projeto MOSTMEG - Predictive models for strategic metal rich, granite-related ore systems based on mineral and geochemical fingerprints and footprints, com referência ERA-MIN/0004/2019), cofinanciado pela União Europeia e pelos fundos nacionais da FCT.

One Scholarship Research Master Degree within the scope of the project “MOSTMEG - Predictive models for strategic metal rich, granite-related ore systems based on mineral and geochemical fingerprints and footprints, with the reference ERA-MIN/0004/2019), financed by European funds through FCT/MCTES.

Área Científica: Geologia

Scientific field: Geology

De 04.10.2023 a 19.10.2023