Bolsa para Licenciado - Projeto REFLECT e ASUMIE

Bolsa de Investigação para Licenciado no âmbito dos projetos REFLECT - Raising awareness and stimulating Executive Functioning and social emotional Learning by integrating Evidence based strategies in the Classroom to empower pupils, Teachers and parents, financiado pelo programa ERASMUS+ - KA2 (Projecto 2019-1-BE02-KA201-060353) (Set. 2019- Set.-2022) e ASUMIE – Additional support and Mediated learning in Inclusive education, financiado pelo programa ERASMUS+ - KA2 (Projecto 2020-1-BE02-KA201-074751) (Set. 2020- Set. 2023)

Área Científica: Psicologia

De 08.04.2022 a 26.04.2022