Early Stage Researcher PhD position

The Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions (PhD studentships) are available for 36 months from April  2019 onwards within the European Joint Doctorate ED-ARCHMAT (http://www.ed-archmat-ejd.eu/).

The H2020-MSCA-ITN-EJD ED- ARCHMAT Joint Doctorate (www.ed-archmat-ejd.eu) brings together a multidisciplinary network of European and non-European institutions active in the Cultural Heritage and Conservation Science sector in Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Greece, Israel, USA, Brazil which includes:


·       8 HEIs with multidisciplinary leading experts in CH and Archaeometry from different fields such as Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Biology, Material Science, Archaeology, Archaeometry, History of Art, Communication and Computer Systems.

·       2 European and 2 non-European Museums

·       2 International Research Centers on Conservation and Material Science

·       2 SME’s active in the Conservation sector.

·       1 Economical and Technological Pole dedicated to promotion of entrepreneurship in Culture, Heritage and Conservation Science

·       2 Management and Business NGOs and Civil Society Organizations (WATCH World Association for the protection of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage in Time of Armed conflict)

·       1 Governmental Institutions in Cultural Heritage


The common goal of all ED-ARCHMAT Consortium members is to create a sustainable, interdisciplinary, intersectoral learning network/platform which will act as a reference point for ESRs well beyond the successful completion of their PhD project, guiding them right through the early stages of their professional careers in the field of Conservation Science/Archaeometry/Cultural Heritage.


The goal will be achieved through co-supervising 13 ESRs each with two beneficiary HEIs delivering

double doctoral (PhD) degrees in a multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral network to develop a generation of internationally equipped scientists for the global workplace


The 13 Early Stage Researchers, ESRs, employed by ED-ARCHMAT beneficiaries will form a new generation of Conservation Science professionals equipped with transdisciplinary key knowledge, competences and skills as defined in the European Qualification Framework (EQF)] spanning different sectors such as Physical and Chemical Science, Cultural Heritage, Conservation, Archaeology, Museology, Art History, Project Management, IT.


The ESRs will participate in international secondments to other organizations within the ED-ARCHMAT network and in outreach activities targeted at a wide audience.



The recruitment will be based on the requested documents including the CV and motivation letter and recommendation letters from two personal referees followed by an interview for short listed candidates.

The recruitment will be in accordance with the European Charter and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. It will follow an open, transparent, impartial, equitable and merit-based procedure.

De 07.02.2019 a 28.02.2019