BI Mestre Projeto LIFE LINES
Scientific Areas: Biological Sciences

Grant  for masters in the field of  Amphibians Monitoring and Ecological Modelling, in the framework of the project LIFE LINES


Over the last decades the strong development of terrestrial transportation infrastructures (e.g. roads and railways) and electric power lines changed Earth landscapes, promoted large scale habitat fragmentation, created artificial barriers to movement of many organisms and increased non-natural mortality.


The project aims to essay, evaluate and disseminate practices directed at mitigation of negative effects from transport/energy infrastructures in wild fauna and simultaneously promote the creation, along them, of a demonstrative Green Infrastructure, based in corridors and stepping stones that can increment connectivity and improve conservation of local/regional biodiversity. Its target area is one of the main transport/energy corridors linking Lisbon to Madrid. The project feeds from solid knowledge on existing fauna/flora in the project area and ten years of monitoring road-kills data which will allow mapping landscape functional and structural connectivity, for the target fauna species, taking into account movements and habitat use/preferences.

De 31.07.2017 a 11.08.2017