Next Generation Climate Science in Europe for Oceans

A JPI Climate & a JPI Oceans lançaram a 18 de fevereiro de 2019 um concurso transnacional conjunto sob o tema “Next Generation Climate Science in Europe for Oceans” no qual 8 países participam com um total de 8.1 M EUR.

O financiamento dos Projectos ocorrerá nos seguintes tópicos:


  1. Strengthening our understanding of climate variability and extremes resulting from the interactions with the oceans such as extratropical and tropical cyclones, and how they are affected by climate change on a range of time scales.
  2. Improving the representation of air-sea interactions, physical and biogeochemical ocean processes in Earth System Models to better represent small-scale non-linear processes as well as water, energy and carbon cycles. Model-data analyses using innovative approaches will be welcome.
  3. Improving estimates of climate change induced modifications of ocean physics and ocean chemistry, associated with biogeochemical cycles, including ocean acidification and carbon sequestration.


Mais informações: AQUI

De 18.02.2019 a 14.06.2019 | 11:00