Trimestral | Nº 03 - 2018
Investigação & Divulgação

Conferência Internacional | Outubro 2018
Conference on Mediterranean Diet and Gastronomy - Linking Innovation, Sustainability and Health

Conference on Mediterranean Diet and Gastronomy - Linking Innovation, Sustainability and Health

The Mediterranean Diet is more than just food: it’s a way of life. Classified by UNESCO, in 2010, as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, the Mediterranean Diet brings together gastronomy, tradition, culture and healthfulness. Inspired by the ever-changing cultural landscape of the region of the Mediterranean basin, this diet is an open dialogue between secular practices and innovation.

Mais informações:

III Ciclo de Conferências
De 09.06.2018 | 15:00 a 24.11.2018
III Ciclo de Conferências
De 09.06.2018 | 15:00 a 24.11.2018
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