Trimestral | Nº 04 - 2017
Investigação & Divulgação

Publicações CIEP 2017
Marilia Cid| Diretora do CIEP

Marilia Cid| Diretora do CIEP

Em 2017, os professores do Departamento de Psicologia publicaram três livros como autores principais, dois deles de difusao internacional:

Franco, V. (Org). (2017). Contributos psicodinâmicos para a Intervenção Precoce na Infância.  Évora: Edições Aloendro.

Este livro, no seu essencial, resulta de um seminário, realizado em Lisboa com Marie-Christine Laznik , e dá conta da promoção de um encontro, ou talvez possamos dizer um reencontro: entre o pensamento psicanalítico e a Intervenção Precoce no desenvolvimento da criança. Quem promove este reencontro é a Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia Clínica (SPPC)   por entender que é assim, nos encontros (e reencontros) e nas zonas de charneira, de interseção de saberes e de transdisciplinaridade que se produzem os principais desafios ao conhecimento. E de um modo especial o conhecimento sobre as crianças e o seu desenvolvimento.

Galindo, E. (2017). La psicología aplicada en la diplomacia y en las relaciones  Internacionales  (Applied Psychology in Diplomacy and International Relations).

Barcelona/México: Oberta Publishing/AMAPSI editorial.

This book explains the contribution of Psychology to help diplomats and other actors of international relations (international volunteers, expatriates, migrants and refugees), accomplish their goals and/or solve their problems, by exploring systematically the different ways in which psychological knowledge can be applied to analyze concrete skills  of diplomacy and policy, like decision-making, perception of the others, use of language, building prejudices, racism, political extremism, group conflicts, negotiation, mediation, cooperation, intercultural differences, effects of war and disasters,  work conditions and mental health in international & multicultural environments. It further builds a bridge between diplomats and psychologists, providing chapters on Psychology for diplomats and Diplomacy for psychologists. Besides providing theoretical understanding, the book also has practical use, because the procedures and methods established in the field of Psychology can help in people in all their relationships besides diplomacy, to ameliorate perceptions, cognitions and behaviors.

Goldstein, H., Pulakos, H., Passmore, J., & Semedo, C. (Eds.). The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Recruitment, Selection and Employee Retention.  Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.

This handbook makes a unique contribution to the fields of organizational psychology and human resource management by providing comprehensive coverage of the contemporary field of employee recruitment, selection and retention. It provides critical reviews of key topics such as job analysis, technology and social media in recruitment, diversity, assessment methods and talent management, drawing on the work of leading thinkers including Melinda Blackman, Nancy Tippins, Adrian Furnham and Binna Kandola. The contributors are drawn from diverse backgrounds and a wide range of countries, giving the volume a truly international feel and perspective. Together, they share important new work which is being undertaken around the globe but is not always easily accessible to real-world practitioners and students.

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